Wednesday, June 1, 2011

A pile on the counter

Yet I donno what to give

My BIL's nephew has scored an admirable 97.4% in his 10th boards. So we decided to buy him a gift. Now I am partial to books so we went book hunting. I barged into Nagasri in 4th block, received a big Hi in recognition from Mr Venkatesh and dissolved into the shelves of the bookshop.
Soon piled in the counter were four books. A short story collection by Jeffrey Archer, Chicken soup, Tipping Point by Malcom Gladwell, Change somebody.

I came home and started reading Jeffrey Archer. I dont think I can gift him this one.
Chicken Soup I learn he already has
Tipping Point is maybe too tough a read for him.
Change anything proved to be quite adult.

So I returned to Nagasri and selected more books. You see I ...just have to give him books.
This time Think by Edward de Bono, a collection of Ratnana Padagalu, and something on Cricket came home with me.

Now I have fallen in love with Ratnana Padagalu. I am going to keep that.
Raju feels Think is more teacher oriented and less of an energetic 16 year old read
That book on Cricket has only statistics. I found it soooo boring. U think he will like it?

May be I will go to Nagasri again this evening. what say you?

bayasidd saman bekaadange
irali illaden irli
thapathreyanakk thapiddalla
sullantha announ barali.

GP Rajaratnam says in this poem
Things that we crave for
if there...or not there
always trouble us
Let someone who thinks I lie, come face me!

Like the drinbk in the bottle, he says,
it troubles him when something remains in the bottle
and troubles him when the bottle is empty too!!

1 comment:

  1. oh my god!! how many trips to buy a book!! hahaha! give him a gift cheque!! :) but atleast this way u have finished reading so many books urself!!

    and label... chocolate chips..????


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