Friday, April 2, 2010

Tomato Ketchup On A Silk Shirt

O! Look what you did.
You have gone and spilt Tomato Ketchup on my silk shirt.
O! How could you!!!

Thankfully this happens rarely.
Thankfully most often our day is quite predictable. And like they used to say... God is in his Heaven and all's right with the world.

Consequently our actions are mechanical and habit oriented. A large part of our mental faculty is occupied with plans for the future or regrets of the past. A small sliver of memory space is left to attend to the present. You don’t need to be a genius to appreciate sonny’s drawings, to fill in the boring worksheets or to eat dinner. So when the going is smooth and easy your mind is practically elsewhere.

And then there is a crisis. An unpleasant situation occurs in the form of an argument or a hurt or…spilt tomato ketchup. Suddenly the mind jerks to the present. The situation merits all attention. Obviously this not-so-happy event is etched deeply in memory. You are wilfully building up a cache of unpleasant memories to be recalled mechanically.

When happy times are around, where are you?
  • Acknowledge the loveliness of the present.
  • Become actually aware of the nice experience life fills your day with.
  • Feel the warmth of the coffee cup. Bask in its aroma.
  • Drink in the beauty of the moment.
Your mind captures these series of Kodak moments. Life is now one joy ride of happy memories with a dash of distasteful ones.

Tomato ketchup on a silk shirt, notwithstanding!


  1. Yesterday is history, tomorrow is future, today is present !! Yes we must enjoy the present, more so the present moment !! Thank you for the precious tip .

  2. hey! nicely written. was interesting to read. and i completely agree. i have noticed that i am thinking of something else when things are going smooth. and i have also noticed that when we are really involved in what we are doing, thats the most fun.. and thats the memory that saved for recalling at smooth times later. lol!


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