Tuesday, May 3, 2011

The Mighty Tree

About interdependence

This is a sturdy and happy tree,
With flowers and fruits on branches three
Animals and birds come here to feed,
To rest in its shade. And grow and breed.

They squeak and they squawk
People sit in its shade and talk
So much noise and so much chatter
The tree decides to change the matter.

The tree gives a shake and turns mean
‘Go away! Shoo, from my branches green’
With a sigh and a bye the animals went
‘Why? Aren’t we friends?’ They lament.

A few weeks later....

Branches are bare; the flowers are gone
Bees and squirrels leave the tree alone.
Termites come to attack the tree
They climb up the trunk fast and free

Is the tree happy? Let us look at it now
Where are the leaves? Where is the glow?
The tree is sad, most unhappy too
It longs for its friends, even one or two.

A few weeks later...

‘Come my friends’ implores the tree
‘Sit on my branches, sing and be free’.
A sparrow obliges and chirps two songs
It’s magic! Look! Green leaves in throngs.

Animals, birds, butterflies and bees,
Creepers, herbs, shrubs and trees
Must live together as a one family
Each needs the other to thrive happily.

Mighty Tree

I suppose the tree dint have internet and cell phones

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