Monday, May 10, 2010

You will always be more disappointed…

…by the things you dint do, than by the things that you did.

says the wise Owl.
Does that mean that man is bound to achieve less than what he aspires to? Man is limited by the very fact that he thinks more than he does. An active man thinks actively. And is therefore left with more that he regrets not having done! A lazy thinker would not have many things that he wanted to do. Complacency and acceptance and a ‘Whatever’ kind–of–attitude, pervades his life.
So if you have a line up of things you regret not having done
Do not despair
It only shows that you have an active thinking mind and an active body that is trying desperately to keep pace.
Just keep a tab on the kind of things that are piling up in the ‘things you dint do’ list. For that too is a part of your culture along with all the 'things that you did'.
Well, we are all everyday creating our own culture.


  1. arre!!!where did my comment go??

  2. hey! what happened divya? your comment dint get posted? write again.......pls


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