Monday, January 30, 2012


 I love listening to Bhagyada Lakshmi Baramma. It is a Kannada Composition by Purandara Dasa. Sung in praise of Goddess Lakshmi.... the bestow-er of prosperity and happiness.
The song is so full of love and devotion. He invites Lakshmi into his house right on time for the Friday Puja, describing ...
her dainty steps, the tinkling sound of her anklets, of bangles twirling on her wrists, of her mesmerizing lotus eyes, the auspicious kumkum mark on her forehead and the overflowing stream of gold and bliss she brings to homes she visits.
And he most wonderfully describes her as Venkataramanana Binkada Rani – the elegant and proud consort of sri Venkataramana
There are two versions of the song. The Hindustani version rendered by Pandit Bhimsen Joshi 
But I love it most when achu my daughter sings the song…simple and no frills!
Today our little grand daughter Sanvi completes one month. Sanvi is born on friday and is a bundle of joy.
I have tried to depict bhagyada lakshmi baramma on paper.

bhagyada lakshmi baramma


  1. Oh its very nice Ma'am.....& I love that song too:-)

  2. thank you ashwini and divya. hope to do more :)

  3. Yeah,,, very nice. Haven't listened to that song in ages. Will listen to it.

  4. The Wandering MinstrelFebruary 2, 2012 at 6:58 PM

    There is another version of this by Jayanti Devi set in Hindustani Classical framework and recorded in the early 1950s. I used to have a 78 rpm recording of this. I will send you a copy. Hope you enjoy it.

    Love that paper depiction. Keep it up.


    1. hey thanks. i found the online mp3 version of jayanti devi's from jenina holeyu song here.

    2. The Wandering MinstrelFebruary 3, 2012 at 3:38 PM

      the song on the link is yet another different version. the one i sent you is also by jayanti devi but set in a different raga. hope you got it.



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