Friday, December 12, 2008

Hiring You

About hiring You - To get things done!
There is this small room upstairs that has no claimant. So by default it has become a dump room. It all started with –

Where shall we keep these books?’
‘Let’s leave them in the small room for the time being……..’
Soon the odd chair, the unused swing, extra blankets all found their way into the small room. The room almost called out to every passer-by! It badly needed some cleaning. But no one had the energy or the will to do that.

A chance comment by my 12 year old niece triggered me off. So last week I decided to ……… Hire Myself for an hour.
Yes! You read the right. I hired myself for an hour.

You could try that too........ Hiring You for an hour!

Hire yourself
 Donning an old kurta, and with my hair protected in a dupatta, I set out to do what I had been hired for! As a hired help  I had some restrictions. I was

Not allowed to dawdle and waste time
Not to read books that happened to open at interesting pages
Not to leaf through old albums
Not to pause at curios picked up on vacations
Not to ……  you get the picture!!

I was amazed what the lot of cleaning got done in that hour.
Ever since I have been hiring myself for just 15 minutes a day and I continue to be amazed at the result!

I thought this might work in other area too.
You could hire yourself to take yoga classes for a group of one!
Or hire yourself as a cook to churn out some great dishes!
Or become a consultant and take a no nonsense decision about something quite personal!
Or work as your assistant to complete tasks like paying bills, filing receipts etc!

We end up doing a more thorough job when we do it as office work. At office we seek approval and credit and there is a thrill in doing commendable work. Perhaps that’s what makes this idea click?

At least – hiring myself – seems to work for me!
Tell me if it works for you...... Hiring You!


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