Tuesday, December 14, 2010

#reverb10 - Appreciate

Appreciate. What's the one thing you have come to appreciate most in

the past year? How do you express gratitude for it?
We came to this city two years ago with apprehension and hope. Apprehension because we are not that young anymore and starting afresh in a new city can be a challenge.
Hope, as we came here to fulfill a long dream.
It was barely 10 minutes after we moved in and my neighbours walked in with a loaded tray of tea and biscuits.
It was hot and we had to have an AC. the shop assisstant came over at 9 in the night to fix it for us.
A young advocate offered to help us out by lending his car and assisstant.
Some women invited us over for a chat so that we feel comfortable.
A cab driver went out of his way to take us to a place we knew little about, located the address and offered to wait to take us back as it was getting dark and late.
The officials at the Bank sent people home to help us fill forms and complete formalities.
I signed into a social networking site and loads of precious students bbecame my friends.
I am living my days as a teacher again with renewed vigour!
We have received so much love and affection.


I think people are essentially good. Selfishness is an acquired habit. We like to help. We enjoy being useful. I am grateful that I have met so many people who are role models as wonderful human beings.

1 comment:

  1. yup! i think i have met some really nice people in the last year! they have been really good to me :)


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