Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Motto of Life - II

Did you locate the guiding light? In blog post Motto of Life? Did you?

When we become aware of our life motto the decision making process is that much easier. Let’s say you take a decision.
  • If that decision agrees with your basic motto in life you are peaceful and can concentrate on the action required. Things move fast. Events are smooth.

  • But if that decision is contrary to your basic motto you become restless and stressed out. The actions carried out become that much more difficult. You hesitate. You are slow to act. You keep wondering if you are on the right path.


When you identify the motto of people around you, does it become easier to understand why they do what they do?


I have lots of hats........multicoloured ones

Am I talking through one of them hats?


I do that sometimes....

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