Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Akki Rotti in my Kitchen

About relationships

Akki rotti is an all time favourite with everyone at home (except Achu). Mix some rice flour, finely cut onion, grated coconut, green chillies and jeera and water. Add salt. and yeah! the batter is ready. The trick is to get the consistency right.

akki rotti batter consistency
Leave it to rest for twenty minutes. Then get the tava hot enough for you to be able to spread the batter in a thin layer.

spread batter in a thin layer
Be generous with a spoon of oil. Cover and cook.

And the akki rotti sends a warning...chhoooinn...! Crisp, hot akki rotti is ready. I enjoy my akki rotti with chatnipudi and thuppa (ghee). But you could try it with gojju, pickle, or curd.... it tastes just as good.

akki rotti

While making the akki rotti I was thinking... If you don't get close enough to the tava, if you are scared of the heat, you get an akki rotti, but a fat one. .. soft and not very tasty. Yah, thaaat fills the stomach too.

But if you dare to get close enough, well, there is the fear that you might just singe the tip of a finger, but then you might not, but you are sure TO GET SOMETHING GOOD.

Aren't relationshps like that too?
Sometimes you may get a singe, but if you don't get close enough, you hardly have one.



  1. ooooooh how i love akki rotti!
    but i have a trick to making thin ones ;) i make the hittu watery and spread it like dosay :)
    now is that a trick in relationships too?

  2. Ur so right Ma' a close relationship,a singe is unavoidable i guess!!!!
    & coming to akki roti....well my husband makes the best ones so i don have to worry about a singe there;-)


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