Tuesday, April 19, 2011

An Autibiography - MK Gandhi

The Story of my Experiments with Truth
MK Gandhi

The book has two names. Perhaps signifying the multiple layers that MK Gandhi's personality had.
What with the controversial paragraphs and the volumes of discussions about Joseph Leyveld's book, recommending another Gandhi read may sound trite and silly.
But, that is what I did. I read the original on my flight from and to Delhi this week. I think you must read it too.
Read it slowly, like you are tasting Silk the new cadbury chocolate. For hidden in the middle of descriptions of incidents that meant much to him, MK Gandhi has fabulous insights into daily living. The frankness of the writing leaves you breathless.
excerpts and explanations:
  • I had absolutely no reason to suspect my wife's fidelity, but jealousy does not wait for reasons.
  • I do not know whence I got the notion that good handwriting was not a necessary part of education.....I saw that bad handwriting should be regarded as a sign of an imperfect education.
  • There is this instance in Bombay, where he is to give a speech. He prefers to speak extempore. But Pestonji advises him to submit a written one. The internal argument and his final acceptance of the advice is wonderful.
  • The pros and cons about the head-dress, the option of using a hat, and then the final decision, reveal the beginning of lucid thinking.
The book is tedious towards the end. But do attempt it.

We learn from what they experience


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