Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Waiting period or Black Hole?

About the pause between the idea and the event

Tuesday evening
7.15 and 7.30

I look at the clock six times. I have a favourite serial that begins at half past seven and I do not want to miss it.

I listen in happy anticipation to the opening strains of the serial. I watch the family coming together on the steps in easy togetherness. Suhana and badi ma dance a few steps and hug in the warmth of affection.

Triiiing the landline shrills, cutting through the laughing serial. I hastily press the mute button and take the call in the hall. It is my cousin from Bangalore. This is a rare call and I am happy to be chatting with him.

Call ends. I hurry back to the TV. I watch Manju Aunty getting updates about Suhana. Everybody loves Suhana. All too soon the characters freeze in mid action and the serial is done for the day!

10. 05
I think...
I could have spent the 15 minutes from 7.15 to 7.30 yesterday evening in a better way.
Like the rabbit in a waistcoat, always busy and always late
O wait...The past and the future so occupy me, I have little time for the present.

When we are waiting our mind refuses to work. It is like there is no life until what we wait for begins to happen. But that is not really true is it? Life is there during that waiting period too.
Generally the waiting period becomes a black hole.
In a queue, in the dentist's waiting hall, before the first guest arrives, after the application form is posted, the last trimester and when a proposal is sent
the waiting begins...and the black hole happens...
Can we avoid that?
Can we be so detached from that result we are waiting for, or so focused on the present, that the waiting period is not reduced to a black hole.
If we could be aware, the best things may happen right during that waiting period.

The waiting period!
 I am trying to depict the parable about the marrooned man who waited for God to help him...and ignored all help that arrived during the waiting period!
Does this happen with you?


  1. Ma'am u inspire me & u deserve this award for the stlylish blogger.
    Please go to this link to collect it


  2. funny but i enjoy waiting periods! if there is nothing to look forward to and wait for... i dont like it!! i try to make something up to plan and wait for!!


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