Monday, April 18, 2011

I sir? Yes sir. No sir. Then who sir?

About facing contradiction

When someone contradicts you what do you do?

Shout them down? Walk away in a huff? Smirk and laugh at them? Get all hot and angry?
Or do you listen and wonder?

A new and contrary thought is God’s way of jolting us awake.
He is telling us to stop and think.

Try this. Thank the person for the radical new thought. Consider it with complete respect. And then form a fresh opinion. Real and distinct.


  1. yea true... but for me most of the time the reaction depends on the way the person contradicts! people need to be nice even when they are contradicting! right?

  2. @akhila, you may not always control the situation, but you can control your attitude to it. seri na?


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